Trust Science! Learn The 1 Way To Delay Orgasm
More And More Men Are Putting Their Faith In Science When It Comes To Premature Ejaculation. Why?
Because It Delivers Powerful Results!
There are medications on the market for helping men with their premature ejaculation. However, the thought of driving to the doctor’s office, waiting for what seems like hours, and then having to fill an expensive prescription each month, just seems like a pain in the butt.
So, the solution to this is to get all the benefits of a powerful premature ejaculation ending medication, in a natural, effective, supplement. This supplement is called Detain X.
Does Detain X Really Work?
The all natural treatment to premature ejaculation.
To fully understand if and why Detain X really can work for you, it’s important to understand the science behind the supplement. Detain X is an all natural male supplement that was invented by a U.S. licensed physician. It’s manufactured and sold as a men’s vitamin supplement aimed at helping men increase their sexual stamina.
The Science Behind Detain X
Detain X is based on an accidental scientific discovery. Back in the late 1970’s a group of medications were discovered called SSRIs, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. These medications were initially meant to treat patients suffering from depression and the main drug was called Prozac.
As male patients were prescribed these SSRIs to help treat their depression, it became known that an interesting side effect was a delay in the ejaculatory response during sexual intercourse. This delay caused men to last longer because the medications were increasing levels of serotonin in their brains. This increase lead to a delayed response and allowed them to last longer.
How Does Detain X Work?
The philosophy behind Detain X is based on the science that increased levels of serotonin can help men last longer during sexual intercourse. Detain X is a safe, all-natural vitamin supplement. It combines several naturally occuring ingredients that when taken in specific quantities is believed to help increase levels of serotonin naturally.
This natural increase can help men last longer in bed and can prevent premature ejaculation when taken for the appropriate amount of time. This is done virtually without side effects and Detain X is NOT a prescription drug. It’s a natural vitamin supplement
How Long Do I Need To Take Detain X?
It is recommended to take Detain X daily for about 90 days as a premature ejaculation treatment. There are reports of men showing vast improvements very quickly in as little as one to two weeks, however, the best results are reported from men that use the supplement for 90 days. This is because it takes time for your body to break down the ingredients and begin to build serotonin levels. This doesn’t happen overnight.
Even the prescribed SSRIs that doctors use for patients take time to fully take effect. Prescribed medications sometimes take weeks or months to fully do their job. This is no different with natural supplements like Detain X. In order for Detain X to properly do it’s job, it’s recommended to use it for 90 days.
Detain X is highly recommended for men who are looking for a safe alternative to drugs and who want to last longer in bed or prevent premature ejaculation.