4 Resume Myths

If you are scrambling to construct the perfect resume and you are unsure what is expected, the first things to consider are the 4 resume myths you need to know. Asking around will give you so many contradicting answers you may just want to take a dump on a piece of paper and use that instead. However, if you read below you could save yourself some time, aggravation and the inconvenience of squatting over your finely constructed creation.

Myth #1: My Resume Has To Be One Page and Filled With As Much Info as Possible

Your resume does not have to be one page. The myth that potential employers are too busy to turn a piece of paper is downright absurd. It is not uncommon for resumes to be two or three pages, especially if many years of experience warrant it. However, you do not want to fill your resume with every fart you made in every capacity you ever worked as this can be a very annoying red flag which shouts desperation. Stick to the ten year content rule. One page if you have less than 10 years experience and two pages if you have more than 10 years with a maximum of two and a half pages in total.

Myth #2: Visual Creativity Gets Noticed

Unless you are handing in a resume to join the circus the last thing you want to do is be artistic. A resume cluttered with pictures, colors or sports logos sends the message of a potential freakoid that will cover his desk with pictures of dolphins or Star Wars memorabilia. Make it a white or cream thick paper stock, an acceptable font such as 12pt. Times New Roman or Courier and do not stuff it with insignificant bullshit. Let your experience speak for itself.

Myth #3: Lie a Little, They Won’t Know and Put Lots of Impressive References

Nowadays, Human Resource departments are actually hiring more computer savvy employees with the ability to tap into background checks including social media sites. The days of putting down that you went to Harvard, when in reality you dropped out of community college basket weaving, are over. They will thoroughly check. Also, when it comes to references do not waste space on these (simply put ‘references upon request’) as they will often be asked for later, after passing the initial interview.

Myth #4: A Detailed Cover Letter with Salary Expectations Will Get Me in the Door

Although cover letters are recommended they should not give away the farm. Keep your cover letter short and concise and never put down your salary expectations as this is a sure sign of an amateur. Let your resume speak for itself because a cover letter with too much information will cause your resume to never get a peek.

These 4 resume myths should put you on the right path to creating a professional, quality, and informative product. Finding a job is hard enough; don’t make it harder by trying to be special.

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