Hot Lover: The Gorgeous Model vs. The Plain Jane

Gorgeous women are worshiped not only because of how they look, but because they can create envy in others. How often have you wanted to be your friend with the trophy-bird on his arm? She might look good, but women who require such worship can be boring in bed. My partner’s first wife was a model and he confessed that she was a selfish lover. She never sucked him, nor did she ever make an effort to fulfill his pleasure, even after he had performed cunnilingus. On the other hand, an average looking woman has nothing to lose. She wants to make an effort because she feels far less superior. Perhaps her looks will never obtain her girlfriend status, but she sure as hell can blow your mind by proving that she is a hot lover.

The Gorgeous Model Type Lover

She makes an effort to look good in and out of the bedroom. She douses her body in expensive perfume, sexy lingerie and has the glossiest kissable lips. At the end of the day, she is a hottie and she knows it, but if she is not willing to put her seductive tools to good use and ditch the acting, she’s going to do nothing to pleasure you in the bedroom. Women like this believe that looks are enough to keep a man. So while you may feel proud to have her on your arm, ask yourself why must you turn to porn every night to get your high? Date her by all means to feel good about yourself, but unless she’s willing to ditch her high priority status and start giving you selfless sex, the sex between you two will remain substandard.

The Plain Jane Type Lover

I’m not saying that all plain janes are hot lovers, but many of them will realize that sex may be the only way she can make a man remember her fondly. It is most likely that she will be an experimental, selfless lover who may just give you the best sex of your life. She may create such an impression that you see her regularly for hot sex, but you decline to tell your friends about her, as you feel embarrassed. Some women may be okay with this arrangement, but if she has a friendly personality and she arouses you with her bedroom antics, why not consider her as girlfriend material.

If you want a limitless sex life you must choose the right partner. Arrogant women are often arrogant in other areas of life, including the bedroom. Are you happy to lick her out and never receive a blowjob in return, because selfish women are happy to lie down and receive pleasure, but slow to give it. On the other hand, a plain jane has nothing to lose. She already believes that you are out of her league so she wants to make an effort to impress you in the bedroom. Plain janes may not have the looks to impress your friends, but she could very well be a hot lover in the bedroom.

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