Viagra Makes Me Last Longer – Does It Really?

istock_000005713496xsmallThere are some men who have reported that on that fact that Viagra makes me last longer. Viagra is a drug that is designed to assist with E.D. or erectile dysfunction. It is actually, not designed for premature ejaculation. However, there have been reports of men lasting longer sexually when taking Viagra. However, this may actually be caused by an extended erection past the point of ejaculation.

Viagra also known as Sidenafil citrate is marketed under several different trade names. It works by inhibiting something called cGMP specific phosphdiesterase type 5. This is an enzyme, which is responsible for blood flow regulation in the penis. As a result, blood flow is increased and sustained for a longer period of time.

It is because of this that it has a benefit in dealing with sexual dysfunction. It is not however a drug that is actually approved for the use of premature ejaculation since it actually does anything to prevent ejaculation from occurring. The drug simply prevents the loss of an erection. This is however helpful in people who suffer from premature ejaculation or who ejaculation sooner than their partners simply due to a lack of timing between the two individuals.

It also can eliminate some of the other techniques, which are often used during intercourse in order to prevent premature ejaculation. For example, using Viagra instead of the start and stop method or the pause and squeeze technique may be more advantageous and may work better for you personally and as a couple.

However, there is nothing actually in the Viagra that is going to increase the time to ejaculation. In other words, Viagra is only going to mask the problem of premature ejaculation while actually doing nothing to resolve the problem in the long term.

It can also prevent you from locating a technique that actually works for you since you are unable to complete judge your response due to the use of the drug. This is one of the reasons why it is important to know the reason or causes behind your premature ejaculation before you consider the use of Viagra as a way of dealing with premature ejaculation.

Viagra can help to provide a longer time together when making love however it does not prevent the actual ejaculation from occurring prematurely. For those that have not been able to find another solution to their premature ejaculation symptoms it can provide an opportunity to be able to meet your partner without having to worry about losing your erection after ejaculation. You can continue until your partner has reached climax as well. This can resolve some of the issues that arise emotionally from premature ejaculation.

If you are looking into the truth behind Viagra makes me last longer then keep in mind that Viagra only inhibits the blood flow enzyme in the penis from causing the loss of an erection during intercourse. It does not prevent premature ejaculation from occurring. It only provides you with a way to continue after ejaculation has occurred.

Additional Resources:

For more information on lasting longer in bed, visit the following links now.  “Who Else Wants To Know The Only Scientific and Proven Way To Stop Premature Ejaculation, Last Longer In Bed, And Finally Satisfy Your Woman?”  

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