Another Take: Premature Ejaculation Behavioral Therapy – Does it Work?
The psychological approach to premature ejaculation recently took a slight blow in an ABC NEWS /Health report titled: Premature Ejaculation Treatment Questioned? Psychological management is based on the de-stressing of the mind so as to allow the body to let go and work optimally. By talking about the condition freely, men can then begin to […]
3 Best Hangover Cures – Bender Please?
So you did it again. You dumped so much alcohol into your pie-hole that you woke up feeling like someone lopped off your head, put it in a washing machine and re-attached it to your neck. Now you have to go to work, listen to your whining woman, have brunch with the parents or wrangle […]
How to Get a Massage (without the tug)
The back room pull jobs many guys still frequent are not massages. These are Asian fantasies that often end up becoming an expensive and illegal jack job you could have done yourself with Internet porn and some good lube. How to get a massage goes way beyond the stigma of only being a luxury for […]
4 Killer Workouts For Stronger Legs
Your legs are made up of some of the strongest muscle groups in the body. Following a plan to enhance these muscles can increase your stamina and result in some impressive sculpting. These 4 workouts for stronger legs will target each specific group to build strength and tone. Keep in mind though that these exercises […]
3 Best Ways to Quit Smoking
For those that indulge, there is nothing better than sitting naked and sweaty next to your lover and lighting up a cigarette after a sex-a-thon. However, we all know that continuous smoking will wreak havoc on your system. Therefore, apply these 3 best ways to quit smoking. If you stick to them, within three months, […]
Natural Remedies: Headaches to Hard-Ons
Inexpensive natural remedies can do your body good. These are simple applications that your system can embrace with little or no side effects. However, the FDA does not officially recognize most natural therapies (nobody believed Galileo either) so check with your doctor or holistic practitioner before using any. You don’t want to accidentally blow a […]
Signs That She Is Faking an Orgasm
Intricate, yet telltale signs that she is faking an orgasm can be found in visual, tactile and audible indications that no woman can fake. The reasons for acting out a carnal explosion can be anything from being too tired, never having had an orgasm or just not being able to enjoy sex (huh?). Keeping a […]
Healthy Breakfast Choices: Stick to High Protein and Low Sugar
Considering healthy breakfast choices is to think outside the box. Most people will grab what they can to dampen the morning growl and get on with their day. However, when you treat your system right, it is as if you are getting into a high luxury car as opposed to squeaking along in a broken […]
Insomnia: You are Not Alone
Insomnia is a cruel affliction that often makes one feel helpless and alone. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, about sixty million Americans suffer from one form of insomnia or another per year. It affects approximately forty percent of women and thirty percent of men. If everyone could just get each […]
Defense Awareness: Be a Sheep Dog
For the most part, your life is probably crime free. Chalk it up to luck, circumstance or both but never rely on them. Defense awareness is being able to integrate certain habits into your daily routine that could help maintain your continuing safety. These tiny adjustments, that you may even be doing already, not only […]
Marriage Tips No One Tells You – A Peek into the Future
There is good reason why more than half of all marriages end in divorce. It is a long road with twists and turns that many succumb to. Much of this can be avoided. Many men wish someone had sat them down while they were drunk in love and smacked them over the head with marriage […]
Preventing Erectile Dysfunction
There are ways of preventing erectile dysfunction that you and/or your partner can attempt, practice and perfect. After a few sessions you will begin to see results that will have you stepping off the sidelines and into the deep, penetrating action on the field. There is no need to be overly concerned or shameful (as […]
4 Best Cardio Workouts
If you find yourself gulping for air after some simple missionary sex then try these 4 best cardio workouts to get back in the game. Climb stairs faster, run for the bus like an Olympian or improve your marathon time by increasing your blood oxygen levels and expanding your lung capacity. If you do not […]
There Are Answers To Hair Loss, Guys
Take a look at your dad or your mother’s father and this will determine whether or not you will eventually need to purchase products for hair loss. Balding in its many forms is the result of your genetic disposition. Nothing you do or eat will cause male pattern baldness. It is your body becoming sensitive […]
Licking, Manscaping, and Oral Sex Techniques
Who doesn’t like a good knob polishing now and again? Oral sex, when done right, can be a real mind blowing experience (pun intended). But what if it is not done right? What if you have specific likes and dislikes that you have no idea how to convey to your partner? In addition, what […]
3 Ways To Get The Perfect Beach Body This Summer
Yup… summer is here and that means you are going to have to take your shirt off sooner or later. Below are 3 ways to get the perfect beach body because the last thing you want is some smoking chick digging your rap and then when you strip down she gets a little vomit in […]
Who Would Boast About Premature Ejaculation?
Maybe it happened once when you were seduced by the thirty-year-old divorcee neighbor with awesome fake yams or maybe you currently blast off before the free porn meter hits :15 but either way premature ejaculation is awesome, for about two seconds. What the Brains Say The Journal of American Medicine (JAMA) cites a 1999 study […]
5 Ways to Prevent Premature Ejaculation
Now and again if you pop your cork too soon you can end up spending hours trying to make up for it. All you want to do is sleep but your partner is not having it. Once again you are asking yourself if there is some way to control this. You can figure out how […]
The Ugly Truth About Steroids
The boys in the gym have been juicing and you were wondering if steroids may help you notch up your bench press max too. However, the short sighted approach to taking steroids for muscle mass is a high risk habit that can come back and bite you in the ass. What are Steroids? Steroids are […]
3 Quick Tips On How To Stop Premature Ejaculation
There are some simple steps on how to stop premature ejaculation enabling you to hold back your love juice for just the right moment or the money shot, either one. With about one in four men leaving the gate before the race even begins, you are not alone. All it takes is a little […]