Alcohol Abuse Effects On Premature Ejaculation
Alcohol Abuse Effects On Premature Ejaculation Okay, so you are pub crawling around town and the buzz is feeling good. You are getting loose and uninhibited, ready to end the night with a bang, literally. However, oddly enough, you are wondering about alcohol abuse effects on premature ejaculation. There were a couple of times you […]
The Health Benefits To Sex – It’s Not Just For Baby Making
It is hot, wet and oh so pleasurable but it can also get sweaty, breathy and pulse pounding. Sex is a workout, there is no two ways about it (unless you have a threesome, then that can be a marathon), but did you ever think about what actually happens to your body when you are […]
How To Find and Stimulate The G-Spot
It’s by a guy named Jason Julius. And his tips and techniques on how to give women incredible pleasure are pure gold. In the video Jason demonstrates how to find and stimulate a woman’s G Spot. Let me tell you I just got done watching this video and it blew me away! Nothing like this […]
The Diet Solution Program Review
Title: The Diet Solution Program Review URL: Review of The Diet Solution Program: The Program that Promises Fat Loss along with an incredible amount of Health and Vitality. The Diet Solution Program promises a complete and comprehensive weight loss program that will not only help you lose body fat, but guarantees you increased energy, […]
Gynecomastia-Treatment Options
The Truth About Gynecomastia I want to talk to you about something that is very real to some men, and a topic that many men email me about on a regular basis – Gynecomastia. Gynecomastia literally means enlargement of the breast, and with men it is feminization of the breast. It can become unsightly, and […]
P.E. Supplement Receives Top Honors
*****Detain X Gets 5 Stars***** Detain X gets five out of five stars as a natural male supplement to help men last longer in bed, not only because it works, but because I trust the product, the doctor, and the science behind it. Here are the reasons that I trust Detain X: It’s manufactured in […]
Trust Science! Learn The 1 Way To Delay Orgasm
More And More Men Are Putting Their Faith In Science When It Comes To Premature Ejaculation. Why? Because It Delivers Powerful Results! There are medications on the market for helping men with their premature ejaculation. However, the thought of driving to the doctor’s office, waiting for what seems like hours, and then having to fill […]
Warning! Heart Disease Linked To Erectile Dysfunction
Few Men Realize That Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Is An Early Symptom Of Potential Heart Disease. By Joe Barton, Founder of Barton Publishing, Expert in Alternative Natural Health Remedies Most men are under the mistaken idea that erectile dysfunction is an irreversible sentence that dooms them to a life of silent misery and shame. So as […]
Techniques For Delaying Orgasm During Sex
If P.E. is an issue for you, I would recommend using a condom every time you have sex. There are great condoms on the market that can lighten the sensation during sex, and you should be using these condoms. You can find them all over the web, or you can head to your local drugstore […]
Sex Positions: What Will Work Best For You?
Doggy Style Doggy style is a great position. To me it’s very erotic because of the natural animal instinct it encompasses. Many women like it too because they feel like they are being “taken†by their male partner, and it also provides for deep penetration and g-spot stimulation. Never squat during doggy style. This puts […]
Sex Positions For Lasting Longer During Sex
Sex Positions That Will Help You Delay Your Orgasm! I’m sure you have realized that your ability to hold off ejaculation can vary from position to position. Well, that is not a fluke. Each and every position has a unique effect on both men and women. Each position effects overall pleasure for both sexes, and […]
5 More Ways To Increase Testosterone Production
Below are 5 more ways to naturally increase testosterone levels. Don’t forget to check out the post with techniques 1-5 on how to increase testosterone. #6: Keep your testicles cold. If your testicles are exposed to prolonged heat, your sperm can literally start to dry up. That is why your scrotum hangs lower than your […]
5 Ways To Naturally Produce Testosterone
Men are often looking for ways to increase testosterone. After all, that is what makes men men. Here are 5 easy ways to naturally increase your testosterone production. #1: Get enough sleep time. If you don’t get enough sleep, your body’s cortisol levels will raise, and that means lower testosterone levels. Plus, getting at least […]
Exercise For Delaying Orgasm: 1 Second Stroke
The following is a great masturbation technique to help learn to delay ejaculation. Exercise: Masturbation: 1 Second Stroke There are some experts who say to masturbate with little stimulation, or without visualization. I think this is complete nonsense. I found that the best way to practice masturbation is with as much stimulation as possible. I […]
The 5 Stages Of Arousal: Learn To Control Premature Ejaculation
I’ve read different books that go through the stages of arousal. Some books say there are as few as 2 stages, and some books say there are as many as10 stages. I personally think 10 stages are too many, because it becomes difficult to remember each stage. I also think that 2 stages are too […]
Arousal Reactions: Become Aware Of Your Body
Getting to know your body better truly can make a difference in your ability to last during sex. Below is a list of the reactions your body goes through as it’s getting excited for sexual activity. Arousal Reactions Increased heart rate Blood pressure increase Testicles draw closer to body Breathing increases rapidly Leg muscles tense […]
Men Are Clueless: Learn About Your Body To Last Longer During Sex
Learn To Listen To Your Body It took me years to realize something that I should have known a long time ago. It would have saved me a great amount of grief. Most men are clueless about sex and their bodies. I don’t know if that’s because men are in denial about things, or because […]
1 Technique That Will Have You Lasting Longer Tonight!
The following exercise is one of the most effective breathing techniques for delaying your orgasm. You can practice it during sex or during masturbation. Keep a nice steady pace of slow, deep breaths through the nose and out the mouth. Slowly close your eyes every 15-40 seconds and take in a very deep breath through […]
Relaxation is Your Friend: Increase Your Stamina
Exercise: Relaxation It’s very important to feel relaxed during sex. I know it’s easier said than done, but if you practice the following exercise, your mind and body will be much healthier during sexual arousal. Please find a comfortable spot to practice these techniques. Pick a place with very little noise and very few interruptions. […]
The Best Foods For Lasting Longer During Sex
Recommended Foods For Sexual Health As you’ve probably heard before, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It’s essential to start the day off right, giving you lots of energy that will keep you focused all day, and help  you keep some of that energy for later at night when it is time […]