Bachelor Pad: Do’s and Don’ts
If you plan on taking a woman back to your bachelor pad, you best be making that crib a nest of heavenly delight. There is nothing worse than scoring a smoking hot mama to only have her sour on your stinky, bad furniture, rotting food fridge home. There are some simple things you can do […]
Digital Etiquette: Don’t Be a Digital Dick
With a variety of generations now completely embedded in the ever evolving age of technology, a whole new playing field has emerged. Just like the manners your parent’s hopefully drilled into your skull, digital etiquette needs to be considered as well. From cell phones to emails and everything in-between, it seems as if no one […]
Casey Anthony: Hot Deranged Villain or Selfish Victim
It is inconceivable when any child perishes. The ripple effect is beyond imaginable as recently displayed in the reaction to the Casey Anthony murder trial. People were beside themselves as they poured into the court room and surrounded the court house with handwritten signs of anger and confusion. These people, who seem hell bent on […]
Stop Your Bellyaching and Move to the Top 3 U.S. Cities to Meet Single Women
Ever wonder why there are the same sad-eyed, overly made up, worn women bellied up at your local pub? Ever wonder why you are contemplating a lifelike blow up doll? Well, this may mean you need to move to one of the top 3 U.S. cities to meet single women. Pack up your crap, change […]
John Edwards: Flipped the Bird from the Grave
The wtf factor is off the charts these days. Elliot Spitzer, Anthony Weiner, Arnold Schwarzenegger and John Edwards have all duped the American public. They were considered respectable, elected officials doing right by the common man when they themselves were acting like entitled swinging dicks that nobody could touch. Although, what evidence is permissible when […]
Anthony Weiner: Nerd Gone Wild
Nerds may rule the world (ie: Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg) but they sure need a lesson in street smarts. When New York Rep. Anthony Weiner was recently caught lying about sending out racy pictures and texts he squirmed and sniveled accordingly. But what the fuck was this idiot thinking? In the most recent […]