Exercises To Lose Weight: The Manly Way
Dudes gain weight—it’s just a fact. At some point all those late night beers and those late night drunken omelets will catch up with you, right around the middle section. The beer gut is perennial, and seems to swell in the winter and then thin out right around bathing suit season. If you’re going to […]
Tips for Sexting: Know Where, When and How to Give Good Text
Talking on the phone has become an archaic practice (unless it is phone sex of course) with communication going the way of 140 typed characters or less. Therefore, along with “Hello†or “What’s for dinner?†you can include “I want to circle your nipples with my tongue†or “Pull your panties down, just halfwayâ€. According […]
5 Must See Conerts This Summer- 2012
Finally! Warm weather is among us and it’s time for all the music lovers of the world to shed our depression of a music deprived winter and rejoice in all the kick ass shows that will be heading to cities near US this summer 2012! There are some amazing new acts hitting the music scene that […]
4 Resume Myths
If you are scrambling to construct the perfect resume and you are unsure what is expected, the first things to consider are the 4 resume myths you need to know. Asking around will give you so many contradicting answers you may just want to take a dump on a piece of paper and use that […]
Shoes Men Should Own: The Top 5
Men have a very fleeting idea of what’s appropriate to wear on their feet. Goddamn. With the rise of menswear blogging on the Internet, you probably should up your footwear game. Great shoes are a real investment and if you take care of them, they’ll take care of you forever. Keep them polished, keep them […]
Enjoy Alcohol and Still Lose Weight
For successful weight loss, it’s important that you know the effort that is required. Eating one meal a day while slamming down 8 pints is not a very healthy way to lose weight. It’s possible to enjoy alcohol and still lose weight. Alcohol Is NOT Calorie Free It’s important to know what you are placing […]
Things To Know Before Applying For A Mortgage: How To Get Prepared Before You Start
The moment is among you and you are looking to purchase your first home. It may be as a single man or it may be as a family man, but either way before you even start the process with the bank or mortgage lender, there are some things to do in preparation before the initial […]
What To Do If She’s Losing Her Libido
The libido is different in both men and women. Since men have a lot more testosterone, which controls the libido, men tend to think about sex more often than women do, and this is natural. You may be wondering what to do if she’s losing her libido. Also known as Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (FSAD), […]
Tanning Mom: Raked Over the Coals because of Big Mouth Daughter
Patricia Krentcil is a white 44 year old mother who looks like she dipped herself in chocolate. She is a tanning mom that spends a lot of time and money crisping her wannabe MILF skin into what has become the most recent slow news witch hunt. In late April, Krentcil’s five year old daughter (she […]
Tips For When You Don’t Know How To Be A Good Boyfriend
Are you one of those guys who has dated on and off and never successfully kept a relationship going strong simply because you don’t know how to be a good boyfriend? Or maybe you’ve never been in a serious relationship at all but have just started dating the girl of your dreams and don’t want […]
How to Have Phone Sex
Sometimes it is just too difficult to get together with your woman when your cock is hard. Finding alternative, spontaneous, exciting sexual things to do can really satisfy that craving. One great thing to do is pick up the phone and get into some audio stimulation. Learning how to have phone sex is easy and […]
Innocent Words That Turn Women On
Dirty talking is fantastic and effective, at the right time and in the right place. Fortunately, or unfortunately, not every situation calls for you to go spewing your molten lava of smooth talking to a lady. Sometimes there are situations that merit something a little more, well, becoming. Don’t take that to mean that gentlemen […]
Use Good Hygiene To Gain Her Respect
If you have a hot date with the girl of your dreams, you are probably feeling nervous as hell inside. Use good hygiene to gain her respect, as she’s likely made as much effort to look and smell good. If you are prone to body odor, take a shower beforehand, but don’t go overboard on […]
Get Her To Like You
Everybody needs to be liked. It’s a life fact. Men, in particular, like to be liked by the females of the world. Being liked isn’t necessarily the easiest thing in the world—it comes naturally to some, but not to everyone. Some people, a lot of people, need to work pretty hard at it. In sum, […]
5 Ways To Be More Romantic And Make It Fun
We get it. Most men have a hard time enjoying romance, let alone ‘being romantic’, but if you want to stay in tune with your girlfriend or wife, you’ll need to learn. There are so many easy things you can do to up the romance in your relationship that don’t even seem like work. Once […]
How to Seduce a Stripper
Here’s a newsflash to every guy who wants to know how to seduce a stripper, it takes luck and money. If you are a poor nice guy and think you can get a stripper then dive right in, however you better be in it for the long haul. Strippers are like vipers, they can feel […]
Things Every Bachelor Should Have in His House
If you’re a bachelor and you have your own place, there are certain items that you absolutely need. It’s crucial to enjoy some time on your own and you need to appreciate it while you have it. A guy pad shouldn’t look like a comic book store or some dumb shit like that. It should […]
Natural Joint Pain Remedies
Joint pain is a common condition that can afflict any age in the form of mild discomfort to an all out arthritic affliction. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), by 2030 it is estimated that 67 million Americans age 18 and older will be diagnosed with arthritis. Currently, 1 in every 250 American […]
What To Do When She Won’t Let You Have Guy Time
There comes a time in every relationship when a woman starts to take control of her man. It may be in the first few weeks or she may be cool up to right after the honeymoon. Either way, it does cause big problems. You still need to play poker or go golfing but she won’t […]
10 Useful Tips to Help You Out: Part 2
Getting a little assistance to glide you along is always a welcome addition. Here is the second installment of 10 useful tips to help you out. Hopefully you will use, pass along or hoard them in your box of greedy little secrets. However, if you are lucky, a woman may be impressed with your useful […]