Affordable Care Act (ACA): It Passed. What does it mean?
In the beginning, President Obama seemed to have taken on more than he could chew by attempting to tackle our dilapidated, corporate heavy health care system rather than concentrate on immediate economic issues. Now that the Supreme Court has upheld his Affordable Care Act (ACA), he will not only go down in history as the […]
Insurance- Worth the Peace of Mind
In today’s world it is imperative that families protect themselves, their properties and other assets with insurance. By purchasing different types of insurance, you stand to protect the very things that are most valuable to you and in many cases; ownership for specific types of insurance is the law. But whether it is the law […]
Insurance Sample Cancellation Letter
There may come a time where the insurance policy that you have carried for years, or even one that you may have just acquired, for some reason doesn’t suit your taste and you feel it’s time to move on. In that case, you may want to protect yourself by writing a letter to the company […]
Health Insurance Plans- They’re Ripe for the Picking
If you are like most people you are just as concerned about the importance of the availability of the choice of health insurance plans as you are your own health. When a family is faced with the fact they have no help to back them up in case of illness it can bring a lot […]